L’opera è stata realizzata in occasione del 10° anniversario del “Chalk Festival 2017” a Venice, in Florida, USA.
L’evanescenza dei colori primari si materializza nelle tre figure, che vengono assorbite dal vortice dell’evanescenza stessa sino a dissolversi nell’occhio del ciclone, in cui si genera il bianco dalla loro unione e la luce, colei che dà vita a ogni colore.
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The work was realized for the 10th anniversary of the "Chalk Festival 2017" in Venice, Florida, USA
The evanescence of the primary colours is materialized in the three subjects, that are sucked into the whirl of the evanescence and walked into the eye of the storm, in this place from the union of the three primary colour, is generated the white colour and the light, mother of each colour.